REXLABS RISING: PRELUDE Written by: Andre Kon and Rangarig Rex Based upon concepts by: Rangarig Rex Author's Notes: This story is part of a trade/collaboration with Rangarig Rex, an incredibly talented 3D modeler whose work I believe you should go familiarize yourself with if you're an avid reader of my writings. I've been a follower of his work for over half a decade now (maybe longer?) and consider it an honor to be participating in such a collab. I mean it; if you enjoy the kinks represented in my work then I don't doubt you'd get a real "kick" out of seeing them animated. Fair warning, while I do not profess myself to be someone who caters to a more devious and sinister demographic, there are a couple of fleeting scenes in this story that depict the effects of "excessive inflation". ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The stallion stirred gently in his bed. Bright light from the florescents above him invaded his eyes as he slowly opened them and quickly winced them shut again. He tried to block out the light and face another direction but their incessant buzzing sought to keep the equine awake nonetheless. He groaned and shifted a bit, rousing himself to an upright position and idly sat at the side of his bed for a few moments. He yawned and scratched himself a bit, then stood up to go use the facilities provided in his cell. He wasn't sure how he ended up in his current predicament; being locked in a cell, that is. He hadn't committed any crimes, at least none he was aware of; the last thing he remembered doing was working on his computer at his desk at work, then he woke up in a cell. He'd lost track of time, among other things, but guessed that he'd been incarcerated for at least two months by now. He had also lost track of his clothes and possessions, which seemed to have vanished somewhere in the midst of his living arrangements being suddenly altered. More importantly, though, the equine had lost track of his own name. It seemed crazy, but somehow it had happened. The doctors that came to check on him every day called him by a number, "H0134". Was he the 134th person to be locked up in this place? Was there a 135? What did the H stand for, "horse"? Why was there a leading zero, did they hope to imprison that many people? In the time that he'd been here his surroundings only served to offer more questions than answers. The captive equine had a cellmate at one point, too. A lizard of some sort. He couldn't remember his name either and was given the number "S1409". The lizard seemed to have a similar arrival story as the horse as well; one minute he was minding his own business and the next here he was. The lizard was already in the cell by the time the stallion awoke in it for the first time. According to the reptile, he had no recollection of the stallion being brought in. He was just there in his bed one "morning". The horse had started putting mental quotes around "morning" because there were no windows or clocks or any way for him to figure out what time of day it actually was. When the lights were on he considered it daytime, and when they were off it was night. He didn't know what happened to that lizard. One day one of the doctors opened the door to the cell, took the reptile out, closed the door, and that was that. He never returned. Maybe he was set free? Or if this was some kind of jail maybe there was a trial; he was entitled to one after all, right? Either way, it had been about a week since the horse's cellmate was taken out. Every once in a while he'd ponder where he went, always hoping it was somewhere better. They had gotten to know each other a fair bit, as best as their amnesiac conditions allowed, and made a pact that if one of them escaped or was set free they'd send help for the other. No such help had come, though. The stallion glanced over at the empty bed across the room from him. Nothing was there except for a mattress; he had borrowed the extra pillow from the bed seeing as how no one was presently using it. He gave his cell another optical combing over. The walls were clean and made from some kind of brushed metal, aluminum most likely. There were two beds each with a small end table. He called it an "end table" but it was more like "metal box jutting out of the wall that sometimes had a cup of water sitting on it if the doctors gave us one". There was also a toilet attached to the wall and slightly divided from the rest of the cell by a small courtesy wall. There was a sink, too, with a bar of soap that seemed to never get any smaller. Maybe someone was replacing it and the other toiletries when they were sleeping. The equine never bothered to try and quietly stay up to find out, though. The rest of the cell was unmentionable: smooth metal tile flooring with a couple of drains in the obvious places, one big metal security door where the only traffic in and out of the room happened, and an uncomfortably high ceiling dotted with bright lights. There was a camera in each of the two back corners of the cell, too. Perhaps the only interesting thing to note in the cell was the number "084" emblazoned on the center of the back wall in red lettering. The horse assumed it was a cell number, and its ominous red typeface served to be the first and last thing he saw before going to sleep and waking up. A bit of time passed. How much was unknown, but after having sat by himself for a while the equine heard a tapping sound at the door to his cell. His ears perked a bit at the noise and he stood up to go see what the commotion was. It was hard to establish a routine in this place, so it could have been a meal, routine physical, or any number of other things at the door. The conversation window opened. The scaly snout and slit pupils of one of the facility's dinosaur-like doctors was standing on the other side. That was something that always piqued the horse's curiosity. All of the doctors were dinosaurs, or perhaps some form of dinosaur-dragon hybrid. Not that the idea of a dinosaur was unusual or anything, he had seen plenty of them around in the outside world, but the fact that everyone whom he could remember seeing in this place was a reptile seemed a bit odd. The staff of the facility were also clothed; they wore buttoned-up lab coats with beige pants. No shoes, though, since their larger theropod feet did not permit them any footwear that fit. "H0134," the doctor said through the window. "That's me," the horse replied. The sound of a card being swiped could be heard, followed by a myriad of associated mechanical noises. The sounds weren't unusual, the door was just opening, but every time he heard it the horse thought about bum-rushing the doctor and making a break for it. The thought sat there in the back of his mind, but he never acted on it largely because the doctor was always accompanied by at least one partner and the equine also had absolutely no knowledge of the facility. He didn't know how big it was, first and foremost, but more importantly he had no idea where he actually was; he could be underground for all he knew. He figured he'd be apprehended before escaping and would much rather have patiently waited to figure out why he was here than face unknown punishment for trying to escape. Besides, his cellmate had apparently left, so maybe he'd also be let go someday? "You're coming with us," the doctor said as the door slowly swung open. The stallion blinked a couple of times. "Another physical?" He asked. "You'll be participating in a trial." Trial. That's one of the words he wanted to hear. He'd be taken somewhere, hopefully clothed, and be able to figure out who put him in here against his will and why. He sighed in relief. The physicals weren't "bad", just awkward. The doctors took a bunch of bodily measurements, some a little more unconventional than he'd expect from what he assumed was a medical establishment. Among things like waistline, chest, total height, and muscle definition the doctors would measure his genitals... extensively. They'd spend what seemed like twice or three times as long taking every possible measurement of his maleness, his balls, and even going as far as to use a device to measure his prostate which required the tool to be inserted "somewhere". Then again, the plugs they used to test how wide they could dilate his sphincter required the same invasive procedure. But enough about the awkward memories of "routine" physicals, there was a trial to be had. The stallion stepped out into the hallway with the doctor who, sure enough, was accompanied by a similar-looking partner who had been standing out of view from the conversation window. Good thing he didn't try anything rash this time. He quietly followed behind the doctor who opened the door, the other doctor followed third in line to prevent the equine from quietly sneaking away elsewhere. Being outside of his cell was nothing new, he had been escorted out before; his cell was one of about a dozen such rooms dotting a hallway, though he could never hear anything coming from the rooms of his perceived neighbors. "His" hallway was one of a few identical arrangements stemming from a larger facility containing places like the medical examination rooms he was used to seeing. No matter where he was taken, though, everything was always immaculately clean. He never saw any janitors. The journey the horse was taken on was beginning to feel familiar and mundane until the trip led to a part of the complex the equine hadn't seen before. Not that it was visually different or anything, it wasn't, it was just an arrangement of rooms the captive was not familiar with. The doctor stopped at one such room and slid his key card through the locking mechanism. The rex turned the door handle down, pushed the door slightly ajar, and then motioned for the stallion to enter first. "...Prep Room D?" The equine read aloud from the door's placard in a confused tone. "Just go inside," the doctor directed. The horse wasn't in any position to argue, so he complied with the request. It was more of a demand, but "request" made it seem a little less abrasive. The preparation room wasn't much different from the examination rooms. It was certainly much larger, and filled with a few more lockers and machines, but was otherwise unmentionable had it not been for the large metallic "device" sitting in the center of the room. He called it a "device" mentally because he had no other name for it. It looked like a hospital gurney stripped of all its padding and crossed with one of those tables used in lethal injection-style executions. There were a few foam pads mounted to the frame along with nylon belts in places that gave the appearance of restraint being their intended purpose. The whole array was mounted to a wheeled base with a couple of large hydraulic pistons to adjust the frame's bizarre articulation. It looked like it was intended to stand upright. "Have a seat on the table, H0134," the doctor said, beckoning the equine toward the movable platform. "I'm not sure I understand..." the horse began. His sentence trailed off and was cut short by the reptilian doctor repeating his order. He propped himself up onto the table slowly, the device remaining completely rigid despite its flimsy appearance and excessively mechanical construction. "Good," the rex commented, "now lay down." The stallion scrunched his face up slightly, unsure as to what this had to do with his trial. Slowly, and quietly, he complied and brought his legs up onto the platform and shifted the direction he was sitting before reclining slowly onto the foam padding. As he settled into position, he noticed his arms and legs fell into approximate alignment with the restraint straps. By the time he had made this connection, however, it was a bit too late. The connection was only made when his left ankle was strapped down to the table by the doctor. Out of nowhere, the doctor's assistant that had been silently following them up to this point quickly fastened one of the wrist straps followed quickly by the other. In a matter of seconds, the equine was pinned on the platform. He could feel the coldness of the metal frame seeping through the stingy placement of padding and shivered as it met and radiated across his flesh. "Hey! What's this all about?!" The restrained equine asked loudly, tugging his arms against the table's straps. "Simple preparation for where we're taking you," the assistant responded, finally speaking. "And where is that?" "The trial," he replied. "That's what I thought!" The horse stammered. "What does all of this have to do with a hearing?" "Hearing?" The assistant asked quizzically. "He means a court trial, like the kind with a judge," the doctor chimed in from a nearby supply locker. "Oh!" The assistant chuckled a bit. "No, it's not that kind of trial." "I... don't understand?" The stallion replied. "A trial. You know, like an experiment," the doctor clarified, now walking back toward the table with a metallic briefcase in his hand. "But... but wait, what kind of experiment? I thought I was being taken to some kind of hearing. Why am I here?" "You're about to find out," the doctor said with a toothy grin. The rex nodded to his assistant who then flipped a couple of switches on the gurney's control panel causing the wheels of the device to unlock. For the next part of his trip, the horse would be riding to his destination. The wheels on the gurney didn't seem powered, the assistant still had to push it for it to move, but the platform did seem to lower the amount of work required to move the whole device. The equine weighed a bit over two hundred pounds and hydraulics aren't exactly lightweight, yet despite their combined heft the dinosaur was wheeling him around like a cart of foam. He tried to pay attention to the ride but while he was laying on his back everything was just a sea of ceiling tiles broken up with florescent lights and the occasional fire sprinkler. At some point, he was taken through a set of double doors into what looked and felt like a kind of ER. Finally, he saw other people. It ended up being a string of dinosaur doctors, though one particularly peculiar sight stuck out. As one of the lab coat-clad reptiles ducked into a large room the horse caught a glimpse of a similar gurney and the two large scaly feet belonging to the reptile laying on it. He'd have been more excited to see another fellow captive if it weren't for the large white sheet covering him, the alarming trail of crimson leading to the room, and the inexplicable mess of an unknown purple substance coating the gurney and some of the coats of the doctors "inspecting" what was now clearly a cadaver. "Hey! No, wait! What was that in there?! Was that a dead guy?!" The stallion began panicking and furiously tugging at his restraints. "Calm down. This'll be a lot easier if you aren't aggressive," the doctor assured him. "Is that what you fucks told that guy, too?! Where are you taking me?!" "The deceased one chose not to cooperate or follow directions," the doctor replied. "If you choose to act in a similar manner I can assure you you'll end up the same way. Shouting and raising your voice is one such infraction." "Fuck you," the equine snapped back, his mind a blur of paranoia. "Well then, we can't have that kind of behavior, can we?" The rex asked without the expected inquisitive infliction as he continued to walk with the gurney and his assistant. He popped the lock on the briefcase he was holding, palming the container in one hand, and withdrew a small belt. He closed the case and momentarily set it on the stallion's abdomen. Belt in hand, he reached over to the horse and wrapped it around the end of his face, forcefully keeping his mouth shut. The dinosaur grabbed his metal case and resumed walking normally. "I sincerely hope you'll be a bit more open-minded, H0134," he said after tightening the belt. "Judging by the records we've kept, you seem to be the best equipped candidate for our trial. Let's not muddy your chances with needless aggression." Unable to speak beyond guttural growls and grunts, the horse accepted his current fate and quieted down for a few moments. He heard the sound of doors opening ahead of him and craned his head around as best as he could to see where he was being taken now. Along the wall was a large directional sign; pointing in the direction he had been wheeled in from was "Autopsy // Recovery Ward", further down from there was "Quarantine", but in the direction he was heading were the words "Experiment Rooms A - D". Experiment. A synonym for "trial". There was no trial, the stallion slowly began to comprehend, at least not the kind of trial he apparently mistook the doctor's statements for. Is this where they took the lizard that used to be his cellmate? Did he end up like the guy in the autopsy room? More alarmingly, the equine wondered if he would be the next one wheeled into the postmortem room dripping viscera and bodily fluids all over the floor. As he was wheeled into the dimly lit experiment room the horse began to try connecting together as many "facts" as he could. Unfortunately, much like the mystery of how he ended up here, everything he saw over the course of the past few minutes only served to confuse rather than enlighten. Suddenly, the gurney stopped. From the control panel behind his head the equine heard the doctor's assistant toggle a couple of switches. A mechanical hum began to radiate from the base of the platform and the captive horse felt himself tipping forward ever so slowly. He shifted down slightly, his feet coming to rest on two metal steps jutting out from the end of the array, as the table continued to pivot forward until he was almost completely vertical in a standing position. Several feet in front of him sat a sealed container on two large wheels. The container was slightly angular in shape, similar to what you'd expect a poorly rendered spaceship to look like in an old computer game. That's the connection he made mentally, at least. The container's lid was actually a set of double doors that comprised the upper two-thirds of the metal box. Small hinges dotted the sides of the box and served to hold the doors in place while the container was open. The front of the box looked as though it had a window, but the material it was made from was tinted to the point of being virtually opaque. A handle jutted forth from the rear of the shell, giving the container the appearance of having been constructed around a moving dolly. Finally, in keeping with the design motifs of the facility, "P03" was stamped onto the front of the box in bright red lettering. The rest of the room was just as alien to him. A thick strip of bright hazard tape lined the walls, ending at the large steel security door he was wheeled in through. Next to the door was a security terminal, two unlit emergency lights, and the anchors for the massive pistons keeping the door locked. This was one of those "nothing gets in or out" types of rooms. The equine swallowed heavily. Wires ran across the floor, some connected to the container in front of him, others connected to the track that his gurney had apparently been locked into. Several large mirrors dotted two of the emptier walls; unbeknown to the horse these were one-way windows that allowed researchers in the adjoining rooms to spectate. Nobody was in there at this time, however. "Now then, are you ready to begin the experiment?" The doctor asked. The equine shook his head violently and squirmed against his restraints, grunting several times. The rex laughed. "Oh no, I wasn't talking to you. You're participating whether you want to or not. I was speaking to my assistant!" The assistant chuckled a bit as he walked over to the container. He grabbed its rear handle with both hands and inched it forward slightly. "I'm ready when you are," he added. "Okay then, let me just check to see if we have the all clear from HQ," the doctor replied, moving over toward a nearby terminal and setting his briefcase down next to it. He eased the case open and pulled out a thick metallic diskette and inserted it into the workstation. The sound of clacking computer keys could be heard as he brought up the stallion's patient file and made a few changes, altering his experiment status to "In Progress" and adding the date. "Looks like they're issuing the go ahead," he noted. "All of our equipment seems to be functioning." The doctor glanced up at the cameras focused on the subject, ensuring one last time that everything was in proper order. He nodded toward his assistant who returned the gesture and wheeled the metal container over to the horse, lowering it gently and depressing the brake switches on each wheel. He keyed in an unlock code on a panel attached the back of the device that had been out of sight to the equine. A quick chirp confirmed an accepted code and was followed immediately by a gentle hissing as the container began to depressurize and vent an unknown gray fog from the seams of the double doors. Slowly, the metal doors began to swing open. The stallion squirmed in his restraints a bit, the uncertainty of what the remainder of the dissipating fog was hiding causing a pang of adrenaline in his gut. As the haze spilled out and disappeared along the floor a thin tendril emerged from the container and writhed slightly, slicing through the fog as if it were inspecting its surroundings. With the fog nearly gone, the content of the case was revealed: a plant. Actually, like everything else in the facility its identity was based upon an assumption, and the horse assumed was a plant. Since he had arrived at the facility things didn't seem to make much sense and concepts such as "cells" and "plants" and "time" slowly had their meanings eroded. It had been so long since the equine had seen an actual plant, perhaps the strange writhing thing in front of him was one and he was second guessing himself out of paranoia and disorientation. No, there was something clearly "wrong" with this plant; it was making him feel uncomfortable with the way it... moved. Plants didn't do that. The wheeled cargo container was a sort of planter for the creature inside of it. The bottom third or so of the container was filled with some mixture of soil ending where the edge of the container doors began. Sprouting forth from the center of the plot of dirt was a thick, bulbous mass of dark green plant stalk highlighted with traces of purple. Jutting out from this central mass were four thick vines, two from each side, easily as thick as the horse's forearm. Strangely, these vines appeared to have been purposefully sliced off and cauterized after only a few inches of length leaving the plant with a quartet of gently twitching stubs. The thin tendril the equine saw earlier was one of two such appendages emerging somewhere from the back of the stalk; the tendrils were easily three feet long and only about a centimeter wide. They ended with a slightly thicker bulb on their tips and slowly but constantly shifted in the air like they were acting as some kind of sensory organ pair. The most obvious protrusion coming off the center of the bulky stalk, though, was a thick vine similar to the ones that had been removed. This one had a little more mass to it than the others and at its end sat a closed bud nearly the length of the horse's lower leg. "What a gorgeous specimen..." the dinosaur said softly to himself, always impressed at the beauty of his alien vegetation. The stallion grunted as the plant focused its attention to him, moving its two thin tendrils to within just a few millimeters of the animal's fur and slowly gliding them across his body. He shifted a bit in his restraints, eying the suspicious vines and breathing in erratic patterns. Without provocation, the plant's tendrils pulled away from the equine and coiled up slightly at the main stalk; simultaneously, the larger vine with the bud began to shift a bit, extending forward toward the horse. Slowly, its six petals began to open up exposing a deep purple interior lined with a stringy slime. The equine huffed suddenly as a thick wave of the plant's strange odor accosted his nostrils. "Now then," the rex said to the horse as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a latex glove, "this is the part where we need some... 'participation'... on your end." The reptilian doctor pulled the glove onto his right hand and released its cuff with an audible snap and accompanying grin. He stepped over to the restrained equine and without warning cupped his gloved hand around the horse's black balls and gave them a gentle caress. The horse's eyes widened and he vocalized a loud and angry grunt as he wriggled his hips to the side to try and pull his crotch away from the doctor. Obviously, it was to no avail and the dinosaur persisted with his heavy petting, dipping two of his fingers into the horse's sheath and teasing the head of his cock. The horse shifted again, but as the scalie withdrew his fingers he could see thick strands of pre stretching from the horse's sheath to the tips of his fingers. Responding to the smell of the stallion's early stages of arousal the plant writhed in its container, its vine stubs undulating and stalk pulsing just slightly. The stallion whimpered as the head of his slowly hardening shaft emerged from his sheath on its own. As the rest of its semi-hard shaft pushed its way forward the doctor gave the flaccid member a couple of slow strokes, smearing the equine's thick pre over his flesh, before gliding his hand back down to the horse's two palm-sized balls and kneading them gently. The horse huffed again, the intoxicating smell of the plant growing so heavy he could feel his eyes watering; he wrestled with his restraints once more as blood rushed to his cock, fleshing it out to its full length of nearly one foot. "Impressive, H0134," the doctor commented as he stroked the equine's thick peach-colored horsecock several times. As the horse's shaft neared becoming fully erect, the petals of the plant bud began peeling open until they looked like fingers reaching out to grasp him. The central base of the bud pulsed slightly, a hole beginning to open as the vine gesticulated. From the hole emerged a purple tendril just slightly lighter than the insides of the petals surrounding it and about as thick as the two green ones coiled up behind the plant. The tendril continued to pull out of the bud, its head seeking out the tip of the horse's member and as it neared its destination began to slow its emergence until it hung in the air like a snake. It began inching closer until its tip brushed up against the underside of the shaft's head, causing the horse to flinch and try and keep his maleness away from the purple tendril. In his squirming he managed to whack the tendril with his shaft once, causing the plant to flinch back just a bit. "We can't have any of that," the doctor said slowly shaking his head. "That's a very sensitive part of our plant, you'll hurt her if you're not careful with that thing!" The dinosaur gently grabbed the he horse's shaft around its medial ring, holding it in place despite the equine's efforts to twist and pull his hips away. The purple tendril began approaching the head of his shaft again, brushing its tip against it and gently circling its shallow pit until it found the opening it was looking for. "She's ready," the doctor said. The assistant, who up to this point had been spectating the experiment, quietly picked up a clipboard and knelt down between the plant and horse at eye level opposite the doctor. Slowly, the plant eased its purple tendril forward, breaching the horse's shaft. His eyes widened immediately, whites visible entirely around his irises as he stared down at his cock, watching the slippery purple vine invade his manhood. He writhed and contorted against his restraints in unfiltered fear, grunting and vocalizing as the plant attempted to push deeper. As the tendril touched the inner flesh of his cock the equine reflexively flexed his pelvic muscles, tightening up his shaft in an effort to keep the probing plant out. He gritted his teeth, trying his hardest to maintain that flex as long as he could against the writhing and persistent tip of the purple tendril, until he couldn't hold his muscles clenched any longer. The plant was going to win this horrendous standoff. The equine flinched, his muscles twitching out of exhaustion. Sensing this, the plant lanced its tendril forward, darting it past the head of the horse's cock and slipping several inches into his shaft. The horse's entire body tensed up at the sudden breach. He strained against the belt wrapped around his muzzle and groaned as he felt his urethra stretch to accommodate the plant's exploratory vine. It stung, the walls of his urethra absolutely untrained for such exploration; he had never felt so violated before. He squirmed and dug his toes into the metal pads under them as the vine slowly resumed movement, slipping another inch or so down his shaft and causing the underside of his member to bulge outward. "She's in," the rex said as he nodded to his assistant who began writing something on his clipboard. "Good girl," he cooed as he switched his focus toward the plant and ran his gloved hand along the bottom of his subject's shaft, feeling the tendril through its bulge and grinning as he felt it wriggle at the touch and slowly push its way deeper into the stallion. The plant's stalk pulsed slightly, the open flower bud quivering as its tendril made its way into the equine, the urethral bulge pushing beyond the medial ring of his shaft and continuing toward its base. The stallion stirred in his shackles, feeling every millimeter of the purple vine's advances down his cock and watched helplessly as his shaft was forced to swallow all of it. He winced as he felt the head of the tendril reach the base of his shaft, realizing just how much of the vine was buried in his manhood, and gasped as he felt it push even deeper still. As it began to push further into the recesses of its suitor, the plant began to shift the open flower forward, its slightly outstretched petals swaying and dripping their stringy purple slime onto the floor. The plant craned its open bud forward until the tip of the horse's shaft was almost touching its center and slowly began to close its petals. The equine watched, spikes of adrenaline stinging his stomach, as the closing flower bud slowly engulfed his massive horsecock. He groaned, shifting once more as the warm slimy petal innards caressed his shaft, entwining with each other and tightly holding his cock in place. A few moments of tense silence and stillness passed. The doctor grinned again, his assistant watching intently and grasping his pencil with an unwavering grip. The invading purple vine suddenly stopped moving. The equine moaned through his muzzle belt as he felt a strange probing in his lions just past the base of his shaft. The probing was met with the confusing familiarity of the urge to climax, but not quite the steady need to release associated with intercourse. The horse felt only "half" of the sensations conductive of an impending orgasm: all of the tightening and tensing of his inner muscles without any of the outside stimulation or sensitivity. He stirred, writhing his hips side to side until in an instant he felt as though he had "reached" his climax. Cold tingles electrified his spine as the purple vine pushed into his seminal ducts, opening them as if the stallion were releasing his seed, resulting in the bizarre half-climax he was experiencing. His pelvic muscles twitched at the invasion, but no semen was released. His cock throbbed slightly but only out of response from feeling the vine inch slightly deeper into him. The stallion grunted, feeling the plant pulse slightly. He waited, confused, until he felt it again. He inhaled sharply, feeling the pulse for a third time but this time feeling his urethra stretch in the process. The fourth pulse came slightly faster, the equine huffing as he clearly felt a thick bulge push past the head of his shaft and travel down his cock. His eyes widened again as he realized that he wasn't going to be milked by the alien plant in front of him, but that instead the plant was injecting him with something, directly through his cock. He twitched, feeling his heavy equine balls bob slightly as the plant's invading slime was introduced to them. He grunted and whimpered, feeling another pulse, and another, each one sending a jet of plant goo directly to his reproductive organs. "Just relax," the doctor cooed as he ran his latex-clad hand along the stallion's chest, raking his rubber-dulled claws along his stiff nipples. "You're doing fine," he said in a strangely reassuring tone, moving his hand down to the vine encasing his subject's shaft and giving it a slow caress. The horse let out a muffled sigh as he defeatedly lowered his head, his eyes locked on the sight of the alien vine seemingly fastened to his groin, pumping jet after jet of its unknown payload deep into his balls. He groaned, already able to feel the weight of the plant's slime pooling in his orbs causing them to start to grow and bloat. They became slightly heavier with each pulse, their size increasing slowly but steadily and creating tension across the black flesh of his sack. He winced, feeling another thick jet of plant slime effortlessly slip into his quivering testes. "I think you're well enough off that we can do without this silly thing, now," the doctor said casually as he tugged on the loose end of the belt affixed to the horse's muzzle. The stallion let out a gasp perverted with a moan as the belt was removed, sucking in a deep breath of air and gritting his teeth as the alien vegetation continued to do its bidding. "How are you feeling, H0134?" The rex asked, his assistant taking notice of the question and jotting more notes down. The equine groaned loudly before speaking. "What... what's it doing to me..." "All will be revealed in due time, H0134," the doctor said with a smile as his hand once again traveled down from the stallion's chest to the flower bud engulfing his subject's cock. He grinned as he gave the stalk a gentle squeeze, feeling the plant's undulating pulses pushing more and more of its potent nectar into the horse. "I... I can't... hold any more... please... take it out," the stallion pleaded. He writhed slightly as several more jets of goo pushed into him, bloating his balls to the point where his scrotal skin stretched around them without any slack whatsoever. Mental images of the mess he'd witnessed in the autopsy room raced through his mind; he didn't want to be the next poor sap wheeled into that room. He was unable to see what was happening to him due to the large flower bud being in the way, but he could feel his skin stretching like it was going to burst at any moment and the thought of that happening to him - down there of all places - was absolutely horrifying. "Unfortunately I'm not in control of that," the doctor replied, kneeling down beside the horse. "She'll be done when she's done." The dinosaur reached into his lab coat's pocket and pulled out a cloth measuring strip. He gently wrapped it around the widest point of the equine's bulging sack, his assistant taking note of the number and writing it down. The doctor did this several more times in different places before putting his measuring tape away and gently groping the stallion's balls, weighing them in his hand and showing his surprise with a noticeable facial gesture. He could feel the orbs pulse and throb slowly with each wave of plant slime, each time growing slightly larger in his hand and stretching the black flesh around them tighter and tighter. His subject's sack looked like an over-inflated balloon: overfilled and looking as though they'd literally pop at the tiniest of provocations; and yet, they continued to bloat and grow. "Impressive. You've made it further than any of our other subjects so far," the doctor congratulated. "I know you can hang in there just a little longer." The horse groaned again, the muscles in his lower body twitching as the purple vine nestled in his gonads continued to assault his balls with its enriching ooze. He trembled, his legs feeling weak. Had it not been for the gurney he was strapped to he'd have collapsed long, long ago. His breathing became erratic; the stallion's eyelids fluttered slightly as the swelling sensation in his groin overwhelmed his nervous system. Every synapse in his brain was firing off a panic response, urging the body it controlled to get away despite knowing it was trapped and helpless. "Stay with us, H0134," the doctor said as he tried to keep the stallion's lulling head upright. "We're in uncharted territory here, too." The plant's vine throbbed again, another pulse of slime traveling into the horse. He groaned weakly; he had lost count of how many times the bizarre creature had injected its goo into his sack. Numbers had long lost their meaning anyway as thoughts in the equine's head became disjointed and nonsensical. The vine buried in his horsecock pulsed several more times as the stallion's eyes rolled back slightly, his head hanging down loosely as his body went limp. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The horse's eyes snapped open as he awoke in his bed, the sudden waking causing a surge of psychosomatic cold to rush through his body. His heart raced, but slowly began to slow down to a normal beat over the course of several moments. He was in his cell, on his mattress, and under the thin blanket the facility had provided him. The florescents were on above him, their trademark buzzing slowly becoming audible as the equine's senses rapidly caught up with his waking state. He glanced around his cell, seeing the empty bed belonging to his former cellmate and the menial facilities provided to him. He wasn't sure what was real at the moment; his mind spun with fragmented sensory memories of gurney wheels squeaking, rubber gloves, red lettering, fog, alien plants, and... Something didn't feel quite right. The stallion propped himself up on one elbow and yanked his bedsheets off. He shrieked involuntarily as his eyes locked onto his crotch; his balls were easily nearly three times the size they once were. The stallion groaned as he collapsed down onto his bed, vivid memories of the experiment he was put through now surging back to him like a tidal wave. He remembered it all now; the fog, the strange plant, the purple vine forcing its way into his shaft... and the pulsing. The plant had done something to him, it changed him. Whatever it was the plant injected into his body is what did this. The cell was completely silent, save for the buzzing of the lights. Everything felt still, frozen almost. The horse fell into a near hyper-alert state, able to feel almost every hair on his body stand up, every beat of his heart, every muscle in his body twitch or spasm, and a gentle and almost pulse-like sensation from his new set of tackle. He propped himself up again, his hand trembling as he brought it down to feel his altered anatomy. He sighed gently as his fingers finally met his scrotum, fanning out and spreading along its smooth black surface as the palm of his hand also came into contact with it. He slowly ran his hand down along one of his engorged balls, then the other, feeling how stretched and taut his skin was. His scrotal skin was hugging its contents so tightly that it had become form-fitting. The nerves in his skin had been displaced so far that much of the skin felt somewhat numb to him now, but the rest was neither painful nor pleasurable; it merely felt incredibly tight to the touch like a balloon that was one breath away from popping. Faintly, the stallion could feel the gentle pulsing on the outside of his sack. Cautiously, he pushed his hand down against one of his swollen balls. He felt a slow, rhythmic throb; it felt as though the entire organ had pulsed just slightly. The equine shifted around on his bed in such a way so that he was sitting up with his back against the wall, freeing up his other hand. His newly freed hand darted down to slowly grope his other orb and feel it also throb like the other. He slowly scooped his hands down around his hefty sack, trying to see how much it now weighed. The stallion gasped a bit, they were far denser than he assumed and much heavier than he expected. Easily several pounds. The attention he'd been paying his balls was starting to slowly arouse the horse. His face flushed as his semi-hard cock began to emerge from his sheath, already eagerly dripping pre onto his belly. He felt strange for feeling slightly aroused, especially because he still had no idea what had happened to him that resulted in the massive package he was exploring. His cock didn't seem to mind, though, as it throbbed in the air with each pump of blood bringing it closer to full mast. He took his shaft in his right hand and ran his finger over his urethral opening. It felt normal; no pain or tearing, and no stretching either. He inspected his manhood a bit, gliding his hand along it to see if there were any changes. He couldn't find any, it looked just as it always did. His balls were what had been altered, it seemed. The stallion couldn't help but let a low moan escape his mouth as he ran his fingers along his shaft looking for changes. The exploration slowly blurred into stroking as his fingers closed around his length, spreading a thick bead of pre across the head of his shaft and down its length. The equine closed his eyes slightly, his stroking taking up a more normal pace, as he slowly gave in to pleasure. He hadn't dare masturbate in his cell the entire time he'd been in it either because of his cellmate or fears of being watched through the security cameras; the only release he'd had were the few occasions where he was asked to provide a "sample" for the doctors. Somehow, all of that didn't bother him now. His unoccupied hand resumed groping and caressing his large balls, pushing on them slightly to feel their churning and pulsing. He writhed atop his bed, gentle waves of bliss rippling down his shaft and settling in his sack. The stallion murmured softly, letting images of lusty mares dance around his thoughts as he fantasized about plunging his massive rod deep into their warm, velvety cunnies. He grinned, feeling another thick bead of pre spurt out of his cock and dribble down its length, his balls quivering and throbbing with higher intensity. The equine lost his trance when he felt a familiar need to release begin to rapidly build in his groin. He'd spent this whole time lost in fantasy jerking himself off but neglected to consider what would happen if he actually came; he hadn't a clue what the plant had injected into his balls, and none of the doctors had come around to check on him for him to ask. He cringed slightly, letting go of his member. Despite the fact that he was no longer fondling himself the stallion continued to feel his need to climax building. He panicked slightly, feeling his release coming and not able to stop it. He bit his lower lip and tried to focus on holding back, but his maleness pushed on and he tipped over the edge. The stallion moaned and cried out as he reached his orgasm. Both his horsecock and now his balls throbbed intensely as the initial jolt of sexual bliss struck, the head of his shaft flaring outward. The horse gritted his teeth and felt a thick jet of fluid rush up along his shaft and watched as a glob of dark purple slime spurted out from the head of his manhood. The first was met with another, and several more. He lost himself momentarily, grabbing his cock once more and stroking it, the primal need to procreate and release his seed overriding his fear. He moaned again, this time sinking further into the ecstasy of orgasm as he stroked himself harder and faster, smearing the strange slime all over his shaft as he milked it for all he could. His other hand resumed fondling his balls, feeling them pulse and throb as they pumped stream after stream of thick purple cum out of his member. His orgasm seemed to carry on for a while longer than usual, no doubt because of all the slime pent up in his corrupted balls. As his climax began to subside and taper off the horse shuddered, moaning blissfully as his horsecock began to soften slightly, purple slime continuing to drool and spurt out of its tip as his balls rhythmically contracted and throbbed for several more moments until they too came to rest and resumed their subtle pulse. As the stallion's mind cleared he looked down at his body, noticing his chest, abdomen, and crotch were completely covered in purple goop. A few jets of it had also hit the wall beside his head, and his sheets were now covered in the stuff. He scooped some of it into his hand and curiously swirled it between his fingers, feeling its slippery texture and then spreading his fingers apart and watching as the slime clumped together in thick gooey strands. He brought his hand up to his nose and inhaled briefly, then a little harder, before flinching back slightly; his cum smelled heavily of thick plant growth. Curiosity got the best of him and he licked his fingers, just to try a taste. He frowned as the purple cum touched his tongue, an overwhelmingly bitter taste of greenery filling his mouth immediately. The horse sighed and placed both of his hands back down onto his balls, rubbing them gently with his cum-slickened fingers and admiring the way the light almost reflected off of them. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, the plant-like smell of his slimy ejaculate slowly beginning to permeate the air. He tried piecing his personal mystery together; what had the plant done to him? Were his balls releasing some kind of plant cum? Would they ever produce his normal sperm again? Why were his orbs pulsing slowly, like they were alive? What exactly did the plant inject him with? The questions seemed to fester in his mind. He had an inkling of worry that these questions would also go unanswered, though at this point in time the lingering afterglow of his orgasm kept it at bay. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Over the course of the next few weeks the doctors running the facility began to pay more attention to the stallion. He was provided more amenities, like a pitcher of water, far more often. He was even given slightly more food than usual, sometimes even with a plate of a random light snack for later. Doctors came to check up on him much more frequently and the time between his physicals began to shrink exponentially. His first encounter with this newfound hospitality began shortly after he'd awoken for the first time since his experiment and subsequently made a mess of his cell; one of the facility's many saurian doctors came to check on him, noticed the mess, and promptly returned with two helpers to clean the cell while he was taken for his first post-experiment physical. That was the first time he had seen a "janitor", too. He asked a lot of questions, especially during his physicals as that was the most time he seemed to have with these "doctors", but they always gave a very vague response. "You'll find out soon" or "that's not important right now". He asked about his changes, the plant that injected him, and what other "experiments" they carried out here. He asked about the cadaver he saw as he passed the autopsy room, and what happened to his former cellmate. No answers were ever provided. Even while they measured and weighed his bloated balls and asked for samples of his altered cum they still wouldn't provide a straight answer, only that more information would reveal itself as it "became necessary" and that they were performing "research". The equine's anatomy continued to change. Despite having no other contact with the mysterious plant his balls continued to slowly grow. If the remarks made by the doctors over the past several weeks were anything to believe, his orbs had gradually doubled in size from their post-experiment measurements by the time they eventually stopped. The horse juggled the numbers in his head briefly, unable to fathom that his balls had become six times larger than they used to be. They had become so heavy and unwieldy that his doctors "prescribed" him a special sling to wear around his sack and over his shoulders to help make it easier for him to get around. His cock even saw a little bit of growth, too; another couple of inches of flesh were added to his length, plus a little extra girth. Not long after his balls ceased their expansion the stallion was moved to a new cell, a cell with only one bed. The bed in his new cell could articulate and was much softer and comfortable with an extra pillow for the horse to tuck under his heavy sack when he rested. The bathroom amenities were in their own little alcove with a special toilet designed to alleviate the difficulties of using the facilities with such exaggerated genitalia, much to the equine's glee; he had discovered long ago that his "plumbing" still worked as usual, it was just much more harder to do certain things with a regular toilet. The room was kept at a warmer and more comfortable temperature and the lights weren't as caustic as the florescents from his previous chamber. It was still a cell, but it felt much more homier than the last. They were treating him much, much better and he was happy with that. The horse relaxed back in his bed, propping it up just a bit so he could rest in a sitting position. He sighed gently, removing the straps of his sling and tugging it down, letting his massive balls rest on the bed with him. He slowly ran his hands along his sack, relishing in just how big it was. His taut skin had recovered in the weeks since his experiment; more cells had grown and restored some of the slack that his scrotal skin once had, though it was still tightly hugging its contents. No longer did the skin feel stretched and numb, it felt as thick and full as it used to as if nothing had ever happened. He whinnied, groping his balls and feeling them pulse and throb, producing more of that potent purple slime. He never got an answer as to what his cum had turned into, but he stopped caring. He simply admired his gift now, entranced by their size and appearance, pulsing veins and blood vessels just barely visible as slightly raised squiggles on his black flesh. He grinned to himself, feeling like a true stud. The horse heard a rough sliding sound across the room, someone had stepped up to his door and opened the conversation window. "H0134?" The reptilian doctor on the other side asked. "That's me," the stallion replied, still carelessly and openly groping his massive balls. "I'm going to need you to come with me," the doctor said, unfazed by the equine's light masturbation. The horse grunted. "What for? I just settled into bed." "Now that the growth and changes facilitated by the plant enzymes have tapered off we feel you are ready for another trial." "Wait," the equine said, sitting up slightly and turning toward the doctor. "What did you say?" "Trial. Experiment." The dinosaur replied. "No, no. Enzyme. You said that." The stallion pressed the subject a little harder, this being the first time he had heard specifics pertaining to the experiment that started all of this. "Is that what did this to me? Where are you demanding I go now? More 'enzymes'?" The horse was slightly angry despite the thought of even bigger balls being slightly tantalizing. The rex sighed, realizing he may have misspoke. "We have taken better care of you now, yes?" A scowl flashed on the stallion's face for a moment. He nodded his head. "You still haven't told me why I'm here, though. Why you've taken me from my normal life and put me in this place." "H0134, please. We told you more information would become available the more you cooperated with us. Has it not? Have you not at least had even a vague picture painted as to your purpose here?" The horse scoffed at the remarks even though they had some nominal truth to them. "When do I get to leave?" "The more you help us," the doctor began, "the more we'll help you. If you want to find out more about your purpose here then you'll come with me. Or, I can sedate you, lock you on a gurney, and take you myself. Either way, there is much work to be done." The stallion huffed and maneuvered himself around on the bed, rousing himself slowly as his huge balls hung heavily under him. He reached for his sling and cupped the soft fabric around his smooth scrotal skin, grunting gently as he lifted his sack up to fit the sling's straps around his shoulders. He strolled beside the doctor as he was led through the facility, his gait having adopted a slight tinge of lumbering with the addition of all the extra weight. He was unrestrained, one of the many little treats he had been given for his ongoing cooperation with the facility staff; he thought about making a break for it the moment he was first led somewhere without leather shackles or a second doctor, but again was reminded how deceptively sparse the personnel were here. He maintained this disposition despite his strong desire to leave, even if his altered physique would make it difficult for him to fit in socially. The horse had been led through a dizzying number of hallways and rooms since he'd first awoken in the facility. He tried to keep a mental map but it seemed pointless, this place was too efficient at being disorienting. Every trip somewhere seemed to take one different turn down another hall or chamber, and his current one was no different. A sign in the facility's trademark red text reading "Cargo Bays 6 - 10" pointed down the direction they were heading. As the equine looked at his feet he found himself walking along a series of long red arrows with "BAY 9" relief-cut into them. "What's in the cargo bay?" He asked as he continued to walk with the doctor. "It's where we contain-" the dinosaur started. "Contain? Contain what, exactly?" The stallion asked, sensing another accidental slip of the tongue. The doctor stopped walking and turned to face the stallion, who was now a few steps behind. "It's where we keep the components used to carry out this experiment. The equipment is too heavy and unwieldy to move so it's easier to just bring subjects to it." The equine resumed walking, feeling as though he may have jumped at a false positive. When they arrived at the cargo bay the two were greeted by a huge pair of well-worn yellow sliding steel doors emblazoned with a large red "9". While the doctor helped himself to tinkering with the door's keypad the horse continued to eye the gargantuan metal slabs; they were easily three times his height and stretched for several yards. He began to take notice of the signage around the doors reading common messages such as "Danger: Moving parts". His eyes slowly fixated on a more peculiar sign, however: "Biohazard: Authorized personnel only". It was newer than the ones around it, like it had been placed recently. The doctor only opened the doors wide enough to walk through and ushered the stallion into the bay with him. The room was too dark to see inside. The horse looked down at the floor where some of the light from the hallway outside was spilling in. The floor continued indefinitely into the darkness beyond where the light ended. The only visible lighting in the bay was a series of dim amber emergency lights dotting the inner corners of the ceiling and floor, but even they seemed to stretch on until they became too faded to see anymore. The bay was huge, and looked large enough to harbor an aircraft; after all, it was a cargo bay not a delivery window. The stallion jumped as he heard the doors behind him start to close. He spun around, realizing the doctor had vanished without a trace. He quickly turned around the other way to catch a glimpse of the dinosaur nestled in a dimly lit control kiosk tucked into the corner of the bay. He made his way down to the booth and jostled the lever on the little office door leading into it before banging on the plexiglass window and pointing to the door once he caught the doctor's attention. "This is my little nook," he said through a microphone at his work terminal. "You're where you need to be, just hang on." The stallion banged on the window with his fist again and shouted at the doctor to let him in, though because the windows were soundproof it only appeared to the rex that he was mouthing the words. "I can't see anything!" The stallion yelled as he focused his attention back to the room and took several steps forward into the darkness. At that moment, he froze; a familiar scent briefly tickled his nostrils. The horse took another step further, listening. His eyes darted around in the dark as he tried to discern his surroundings. His foot stepped in something wet. Reflexively, he stepped back and tried to look at the sole of his foot to see what it was, but there simply wasn't enough light. A loud clang resounded through the cargo bay as a very dim light began to slowly permeate the room. From his control box, the doctor had primed and turned on the master power switch for the lights. The light in the cargo bay slowly intensified until at last the horse could see what he had stepped on. It was purple, and slightly slimy. He was slowly beginning to piece things together in his head when the familiar scent returned in full force. The stallion staggered back a step and put his arm up over his face as a thick wave of what smelled like the rainforest hit him head on. He lowered his arm slowly, his eyes widening as the illumination of the cargo bay revealed its contents. He wasn't sure what he was looking at, but somehow "rainforest" described it. The purple gunk he had stepped in was a small patch of slime on the floor. No more than a foot in front of it lay a thick bundle of intertwined vines in various shades of dark green. The bundle was one of many stretching across the bay, up the walls, and along the ceiling. In the center of the cargo bay sat an unidentifiable aircraft in a state of extreme disrepair; it looked like some form of wrecked craft. The ship was completely overrun with the vegetation, one end of it having been absorbed into a mammoth central mass of plant life. The center stalk closely resembled the smaller bundles branching off everywhere except comprised of even more cords of vine. Where the main stalk and aircraft sat the floor had become a dense swamp of smaller vines, strange leaves, and roots. Jutting up from the mess of roots and vines covering the floor were several spiraling towers of vegetation reaching the cargo bay ceiling and dissipating across, creating a strange living ceiling whose composition matched that of the floor. There were no flowers or blooms, just thick ropes of vines and the overwhelming stench of uncontrolled plant growth. "Oh my god..." the stallion said, slowly backing away from the sight. "Have you ever seen anything like it?" The doctor said over the loudspeaker, grinning from his control room. The stallion turned to face the control room and approach the doctor, but stopped as he felt something tightly wrap around his ankle. Glancing down, he saw that one of the vines in the thick mass beside him had come unraveled and ensnared him. Frantically, he attempted to pull his foot out from the grip of the vine, but it held fast. He shrieked as another vine grabbed the arm opposite of his leg and tugged him backwards. "Remember the plant we used to carry out our first experiment with you?" The rex added. "This is where we took the sample from. Isn't it amazing?" The stallion grunted and strained against the second tentacle, almost forgetting the first was there. A third and fourth tentacle latched onto him, the thicker of the two wrapping around his torso while the other awkwardly caught itself in his sling while scooping him up from under this thigh. There was an audible snap as the equine's sling ripped and the stallion moaned as his huge balls dropped down and bobbed as they swung underneath him. "Hey! Get these things off!" The equine shouted to the doctor's booth. "Very few survived that experiment," the dinosaur continued, completely ignoring the horse's glass-muffled cries for help. "The subject you caught a glimpse of in the autopsy room? Failed. Your former cellmate? Failed. But you? No, you did jusssttt finnne..." The doctor's last few words emerged slightly more drawn out than the others, his scaly hand having found its way down into his khakis as he spoke. The vines lifted the stallion up off of the ground and pulled him backward toward the thick pad of growth covering the floor. He flailed in the grip of the damp vines as they jerked him around, cringing as their heavy scent filled his nostrils. The vines around his legs tugged him downward into a kneeling position on the squishy floor, his hefty sack resting against his thighs. Smaller vines began to push up from the ground beneath him, wrapping around his legs and slowly exploring his body. The stallion moaned and struggled against the plants as one particularly adventurous vine eased against his tailhole and slowly invited itself inside. "You horses, you lot really have a gift when it comes to sexual endowments," the doctor said, his hand gliding down along his slit to tease his sheathed reptilian cock. "Such spacious balls. Easily able to receive whatever we pump into them and grow to such massive sizes. I bet you felt so manly, so sexy with that huge pair hanging between your legs..." The horse glared at the control room still tensing and trying to pull away despite his legs being suitably tied down by the vines. The vine nestled in his tight ass pushed forward, diving into the stallion's warm depths and pushed beyond his inner sphincter, losing itself deep in his belly as more of its length slithered inside of him. Multiple smaller vines pushed up between this legs and began to caress and constrict around his enormous balls, tickling and teasing their outer skin as they slid all over leaving a thin sheen of slime in their wake. The larger vines finally pulled the horse's arms down behind his back, wrapping around them and mummifying them in thick, slippery vegetation. As his arms were tugged back the equines posture changed, his head now facing upward and bringing his attention to the array of vines easing down from the ceiling above him. "Let me out of this! Don't do this to me!" He shouted again, his words still being absorbed by the soundproof windows of the control room and falling on deaf ears. "Do you remember how it felt the first time the plant pumped its fluid into you? I've carried those tests out so many times... each time, watching those balls just grow bigger and bigger..." The rex moved his finger off of the intercom's talk button so he could moan as his fully erect cock pushed out of his slit, dribbling pre onto his groin. "I bet it felt amazing. I'm so envious of you, you know. I'd kill to experience that kind of pleasure." "You sick fuck!" The stallion screamed. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" The equine glanced back up at the descending vines, the thickest of which hung the lowest and made its way down in front of his face and chest. It looked different front the rest, its tip ending with more of a strange bulbous protrusion. The horse stared at the vine, his body trembling as it slowly opened up exposing a fleshy deep purple interior. The stallion coughed and gagged as an intense blast of the plant's scent filled the air around him. He snapped his head to the side and gasped for air, not even realizing that with the first inhalation of the plant's pheromones his cock spilled out of its sheath and began feverishly filling up with blood. The vines encasing his balls gently throbbed around their prize, more vines joining them and slowly encasing his sack in a thick layer of green. "How did it feel the first time you jacked off with those huge things? Were you afraid of what would come out?" The dinosaur bit his lower lip slightly, gliding his hand along his slippery member, fantasizing about being a part of one of his own experiments. He shuddered, slipping his other hand down into his pants for a moment to fondle his normal-sized balls and pretend they were far, far bigger. "What was it like the first time you came and released that thick alien slime all over the place? When you made your first big slimy mess?" By now, the horse had ceased listening to the doctor. The "doctor" was crazy; the stallion was more concerned about his current predicament. He felt the vines above him make contact with his fur and slowly snake down his body, across his back, and down his chest. Two of them latched onto his firm nipples and teased them slightly. The stallion watched in horror as his body was slowly becoming encased in the slippery vines, his erect horsecock still jutting out from the mass and spurting pre as he felt his vine-engulfed balls quivering and pulsing. The open vine hanging in front of him turned its attention to his shaft, rubbing its open end against its head and drooling thick purple slime all over it. Without warning, the vine pushed itself down against the engorged horse flesh, swallowing its entire length deep within its sickeningly slimy depths with a long slow squelch. The stallion moaned, his body weakly trying to thrust his hips forward automatically in response. The inside of the vine felt so smooth, it's slippery walls sealed around his 14+ inch cock completely, locking it inside and pulsing rhythmically. The horse grunted and rutted, his cock lancing a jet of clear musky pre deep into the quivering vine. "You know that plant's not of this world, right?" The doctor said, slight moans slipping in between his words. "That ship, it's recovery wreckage. Don't know where it came from but that plant was on it. Attacked a few of our scientists before we could contain it." The dinosaur cooed and chirped, relaxing back in his seat as he slowly stroked his shaft, feeling the fine scales surrounding his balls beginning to tighten up. "It doesn't photosynthesize like our plants here do. This one turns creatures into walking food producers. That slimy new cum of yours? That plant wants all of it. Give it what it wants..." The stallion writhed and struggled, his whole body encased in pulsing plant vines save for his head. Vines from the ceiling slowly began to wrap around and mingle with the ones rising up from the floor. The vine tentacle buried in the stallion's tight warm rear began to slowly expand, pumping his gut full of a warm thick goo. He moaned loudly, feeling his swollen balls pulse and contract, his cock head flaring and distending the alien vine as a thick jet of purple slime was pumped into it. He shuddered, moaning and gasping as the undulating vine went into overdrive, pulsing and suckling harder and harder on his shaft, milking him of every precious drop of the potent cum it so desperately wanted. The equine convulsed, feeling the vines surrounding his balls gently squeeze and contract around their prize, new energy surging through their cells. His mouth hung open as he panted and tried to recover from his orgasm, but he was given no such solace. The vine engulfing his cock continued to suckle and contract around his length and kept him fully erect, ready to receive the next load of nutrient-rich cum churned out by his tainted balls. Taking advantage of his dazed status, the alien plant quickly shoved a nearby vine into the stallion's muzzle and forced it down his throat. He gagged immediately, his brain reading nothing but signals of panic as his eyes widened and his throat bulged outward with the invading plant mass. The vine immediately started pumping a thick sludge into his stomach. Some of the thick purple gunk bubbled up and out around the vine and down the stallion's face until his gag reflex disappeared and he found himself able to breathe again. He wasn't actively breathing anymore, the vine lodged in his throat had also begun acting as a respirator, filling his lungs with air and venting it out as the captive horse exhaled. The large vine lodged in the horse's throat throbbed and flexed, each contraction of the plant's fibers releasing a slurry of sickly sweet nectar directly into the stallion's stomach. Within seconds the equine could feel his gut growing heavier and heavier as his insides expanded to keep up with the influx of goo the plant was feeding him. His belly gurgled as it filled up, his digestive system immediately overwhelmed by the sheer volume of viscous plant food being injected into it. Mere minutes into the ordeal the stallion could feel his belly expanding outward and pushing against the roots tightly entwined around his body; the vines gave slightly to make room for the bloating they were responsible for, but continued to tightly hug their new food source. The equine slowly closed his eyes, the last of his body finally becoming completely entombed in the extraterrestrial vegetation as the vines and roots from the ceiling and floor fully connected with each other and formed another stalk in the cargo bay identical to the ones around it. The rex squirmed in his seat, watching the alien growth complete another stalk and seal the stallion inside. His breathing spiked momentarily, his toes curled downward. He grunted and roared as his reached his climax, stroking his thick reptilian shaft in long slow passes as the first thick jet of his milky saurian seed lanced out from his cock and splattered on his smooth scaly belly. The doctor roared loudly in his private little room, his member throbbing and spurting his cum in thick ropes as he closed his eyes and imagined he was the one feeding that glorious garden. He pictured himself with improbably huge balls tied down by the slimy vines of the plant, his tailhole being violated by the symbiotic growth while another vine encapsulated his cock and began its milking gesticulations. As his climax passed he opened his eyes slowly and sighed, back to reality. He leaned forward in his chair to reach his workstation, dinosaur spunk rolling down his belly and dripping onto his seat and the floor. The doctor had the horse's patient file open at his terminal. He clicked on the space for "experiment status" next to H0134's real name and changed it to "Successful". He grinned to himself and clicked the "Save" button. Inside the newly formed plant stalk the stallion stirred and moaned. Completely and entirely bound, he couldn't move; surrounded everywhere with densely packed vegetation he was completely helpless. The most he was able to move was a subtle squirm as the alien plant coaxed another orgasm out of him. His gut gurgled as the vine embedded in his throat constantly trickled a thick slurry of nutrients into his stomach while the one nestled up under his tail ensured everything stayed clean. Over time these vines would gradually become a part of his body, assimilating him further into the pulsing mass of green that swallowed him up. The nectar being pumped into his stomach contained all of the nutrients required to sustain life along with alien biological compounds to feed and stimulate the plant-based lifeforms his balls had become. His purpose had finally been revealed, the doctor was right all along; he was now nothing more than a production line for the vegetation that consumed him. The equine felt a sense of immense grief overcome him as he realized he was never going to get out of his musky tomb. His thoughts clouded momentarily, however, as he felt his balls contract and tighten up, another orgasm imminent. He murmured into the vine in his throat, his horsecock throbbing and releasing spurt after spurt of more plant matter as the vine around his member continued its ministrations and siphoned the goo toward the plant's central stalk in the ship wreckage. The despair in his mind slowly began to fade as the symbiotic alien forest continued to milk his horsecock over and over again. Days passed. He fell into an alternating sleeping and waking cycle where the afterglow of his climaxes would put him to sleep and the impending urgency to cum would wake him up again. He began to feel safe inside of his alien tomb; he could never be harmed inside of the vines, he felt only pleasure. His massive balls that he had come to love and be so proud of were unendingly caressed and squeezed by the delicate vines surrounding them. The stallion felt as though he had been transformed into the very essence of an orgasm, his existence whittled down into nothing more than a neverending ejaculation. He was beginning to like his new cell.